Garrett's first day as a fourth grader!!
He says he is really liking school and he loves his teacher. He has been real excited about Science this year and math. He said his class is the oldest in the building, but that's because here middle school starts with the 5th graders. He's always loved going to school and I hope he keeps loving it!
We tried to get Darin in to a preschool here in town and they are full. So we had to be put on a waiting list. I was really hoping he could of got in because he needs to work on his social and motor skills. I've been trying to work with him here but it's just not the same as if he were with other kids his age. They don't have things around here for us to do, like play groups or mothers day out. The library has reading time every Thursday for an hour but as far as I know that's all. I've asked around and no one seems to know either. lol So I'll just do my best and work with him and try to teach the importance of other people and their boundaries.
Rodney has a three day training this last week. He said it was boring, they had to go over stuff they already knew and they also got their new rifles and had to do range time, A LOT of range time. He finally got the new digital camera put in his car. He said he's really loving it! He worked real late last night. 5pm to 3 am. He's still sleeping and it's hard to keep the boys quite, but I honestly think Rodney could sleep through a tornado, he's a heavy sleeper!
I haven't been feeling well over the past couple weeks. My blood pressure has been running real low, like 96/63 95/60 106/71. I got a monitor to watch it because I have dizzy spills and feel real lightheaded a lot. And I also have periods where I just can not keep my eyes open no matter how hard I try. So when these things happen I check my bp and this is the readings I've been getting. I know I need to go to the doc but I just can't afford to right now. I've told the doctor before about how I've been feeling and he says it's just part of my depression, and never runs any tests. So I'm hoping that since I've been keeping track myself he'll want to start digging to find out why. I just have no energy, I'm always tired seems like. I've also been noticing that my bruises are not going away in a normal matter of time. I got scratched by the cat back in June like the first or second weekend of June and I can still see where he scratched me like a scar, and it wasn't that deep. A couple weekends after that I got a rope burn not even an inch long on my ankle and I can still see it there, like a scar. And it wasn't that bad either! So I'm very concerned as to why or what would be causing my scratches to not heal in a normal amount of time like they used to.
So this is what's been going on this past week. I hope this finds all of you doing well and I would love to hear from you! May God Bless all of you and keep in touch! Until next time...............