So it's been awhile since I've been on here, but I've had a lot going on over the last month! Some of you may not know but my grandfather Marion Warbritton has been battling cancer for a few years now. We were informed in July that he wasn't going to make it much longer, well thank God he made it until Sept. 30th 2009. I was able to get up to Concrete, Washington and visit with him for a week! It was the hardest good bye I've ever had to do, but I'm so very thankful got I that time with him! We got word that he passed the morning of Sept. 30th rather quickly. We will head up to the remembrance the 24th of October and the actual ceremony is on the 25th. He will be so missed, he could make you laugh even on your worst day! So that is why I haven't been on in so long. When I can I will post how everything else is going at a later date.
~Faith is not knowing what the future holds, but knowing who holds the future~
Friday, October 9, 2009
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Garrett's first day as a fourth grader!!
He says he is really liking school and he loves his teacher. He has been real excited about Science this year and math. He said his class is the oldest in the building, but that's because here middle school starts with the 5th graders. He's always loved going to school and I hope he keeps loving it!
We tried to get Darin in to a preschool here in town and they are full. So we had to be put on a waiting list. I was really hoping he could of got in because he needs to work on his social and motor skills. I've been trying to work with him here but it's just not the same as if he were with other kids his age. They don't have things around here for us to do, like play groups or mothers day out. The library has reading time every Thursday for an hour but as far as I know that's all. I've asked around and no one seems to know either. lol So I'll just do my best and work with him and try to teach the importance of other people and their boundaries.
Rodney has a three day training this last week. He said it was boring, they had to go over stuff they already knew and they also got their new rifles and had to do range time, A LOT of range time. He finally got the new digital camera put in his car. He said he's really loving it! He worked real late last night. 5pm to 3 am. He's still sleeping and it's hard to keep the boys quite, but I honestly think Rodney could sleep through a tornado, he's a heavy sleeper!
I haven't been feeling well over the past couple weeks. My blood pressure has been running real low, like 96/63 95/60 106/71. I got a monitor to watch it because I have dizzy spills and feel real lightheaded a lot. And I also have periods where I just can not keep my eyes open no matter how hard I try. So when these things happen I check my bp and this is the readings I've been getting. I know I need to go to the doc but I just can't afford to right now. I've told the doctor before about how I've been feeling and he says it's just part of my depression, and never runs any tests. So I'm hoping that since I've been keeping track myself he'll want to start digging to find out why. I just have no energy, I'm always tired seems like. I've also been noticing that my bruises are not going away in a normal matter of time. I got scratched by the cat back in June like the first or second weekend of June and I can still see where he scratched me like a scar, and it wasn't that deep. A couple weekends after that I got a rope burn not even an inch long on my ankle and I can still see it there, like a scar. And it wasn't that bad either! So I'm very concerned as to why or what would be causing my scratches to not heal in a normal amount of time like they used to.
So this is what's been going on this past week. I hope this finds all of you doing well and I would love to hear from you! May God Bless all of you and keep in touch! Until next time...............
Saturday, August 22, 2009
We're still truckin along!! ;-)
Sorry it's been awhile since I last posted. We got Garrett on Ritalin and Daytrana, the Ritalin is to kick start the Daytrana because it takes a bit for it to kick in. Daytrana is a patch that has to be placed on his hip. He's been doing really well with it, I am watching his diet because he hasn't been eating very much and he lost a couple pounds. If he loses any more this month I will have to contact the doc cuz the doc said he shouldn't lose to much to fast. Other than that he's doing well with it. With him being on this patch he no longer has to take meds at school and he's liking that part. I just pray once he hits puberty he will out grow the adhd!!
We were trying to get Darin into a head start here in town since he'll be starting Kindergarten next year. Once I finally got a hold of them they said they were already full and that he would have to be on a waiting list! This really sucks because he's super smart just needed to be with other kids to work on his social skills. I pray he'll get in sometime this yr, so that way he has some kind of socializing with the other kids. He asks me every day when will he get to go to school, or he tells me he's late for school. LOL I just pray they both keep that urgency of wanting to go to school. Garrett loves it and he said he was very ready for school to start this year! He said he's loving his new teacher.
Rodney just got back from Training, three days of it! He had to stay at the academy all three days. But he said he passed all of his tests and qualified well with their new riffles. He is still loving his job! I'm so glad he's able to follow his dreams in the law enforcement field.
The boys and I were recently at my brother's house and we were planing on staying for almost two weeks and Darin and myself ended up getting sick. My brother and his wife had been sick the week before we came and I do believe that's what we got. It was awful, couldn't eat or drink anything or get would come right back out one way or the other. LOL Luckily it didn't last for two long! Then Rodney decided he was going to come pick us up because he was missing us real bad and he wanted us home since we were sick. I tried telling him that I was the most contagious and he would get whatever we had and he was like, "no, I normally don't get sick or catch what you and the boys get." Well two days later he got it, LOL. I felt sorry for him cuz I knew what he was going through but I did warn him! I'm still without a job, just no opportunities here. I can't wait until we can move so that I can help contribute to the family, we sure do need it! But I have to have faith that God knows what he's doing and I have to believe the is something better around the corner!
Well that's really all that has happened over the past couple weeks! Hope all is well with everyone and may God Bless all of you. Always remember this: Faith is not knowing what the future holds, but knowing WHO holds the future!!
Love, Lisa and the Gang
We were trying to get Darin into a head start here in town since he'll be starting Kindergarten next year. Once I finally got a hold of them they said they were already full and that he would have to be on a waiting list! This really sucks because he's super smart just needed to be with other kids to work on his social skills. I pray he'll get in sometime this yr, so that way he has some kind of socializing with the other kids. He asks me every day when will he get to go to school, or he tells me he's late for school. LOL I just pray they both keep that urgency of wanting to go to school. Garrett loves it and he said he was very ready for school to start this year! He said he's loving his new teacher.
Rodney just got back from Training, three days of it! He had to stay at the academy all three days. But he said he passed all of his tests and qualified well with their new riffles. He is still loving his job! I'm so glad he's able to follow his dreams in the law enforcement field.
The boys and I were recently at my brother's house and we were planing on staying for almost two weeks and Darin and myself ended up getting sick. My brother and his wife had been sick the week before we came and I do believe that's what we got. It was awful, couldn't eat or drink anything or get would come right back out one way or the other. LOL Luckily it didn't last for two long! Then Rodney decided he was going to come pick us up because he was missing us real bad and he wanted us home since we were sick. I tried telling him that I was the most contagious and he would get whatever we had and he was like, "no, I normally don't get sick or catch what you and the boys get." Well two days later he got it, LOL. I felt sorry for him cuz I knew what he was going through but I did warn him! I'm still without a job, just no opportunities here. I can't wait until we can move so that I can help contribute to the family, we sure do need it! But I have to have faith that God knows what he's doing and I have to believe the is something better around the corner!
Well that's really all that has happened over the past couple weeks! Hope all is well with everyone and may God Bless all of you. Always remember this: Faith is not knowing what the future holds, but knowing WHO holds the future!!
Love, Lisa and the Gang
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Here are some pic's, the boys have changed a lot!
Most of the kids, Preston's bday party
So since the last post not much has happened. We took Garrett to a new doc Friday hoping to get him on the right track with his meds. I loved this Doctor! He was a pediatrician for several years and has become a physiologist for children as well. So he is very thrall and asked several questions! Garrett really liked him as well. He is an older doctor and just by talking with him for 30 I can tell he's very smart and loves his job!!!! He right away agreed with me that straterra is NOT what he needed to be on and that he was not a fan of straterra for the fact that it does cause children with add/adhd to be more aggressive. He did ask A LOT of questions and informed us that he did need to be on a stimulant and gave us some suggestions. We decided to try the Ritalin patch, which is a lot more helpful to Garrett because he won't have to take pill during school hours! The doctor said also with the patch the children have a better appetite. So we get to start the patch on Monday, the pharmacy didn't have it on Friday but will have it first thing in the morning. We will let you know how it goes!
We got to take the boys to the county fair Friday night and Garrett had a lot of fun. Darin only rode a few rides, he said he was to scared to ride most of the rides. Of course Garrett and Darin both wanted to all the games the carnies had set up and it was hard to explain to them that the games were just not worth the money! We let them play a couple and Garrett quickly learned what we were saying about not worth the money, he put it as "they are cheating"! LOL Which is more than likely with carnies!
Hope all is well and would love to hear from everyone, may God Bless all of you and have a wonderful week!
Thursday, July 30, 2009
New at this
So I'm new at this so lets see if I can do it!!
Today has been uneventful, like normal days for me. Since some of you may not know, it's been hard for me to find a job in this small town. One is because of Rodney's work schedule he works really odd hours and it's impossible to find a sitter that will work with us & his hours. The other is Garrett. Since we've lived here we have had his med's change up and down and most can't deal with Garrett and have a full load of other kids to care for at the same time. So there for the one job I did have was a loss because of Rodney's work schedule and the sitter having problems with Garrett and me needing to pick them up earlier than normal or her kids were sick a lot. Supposedly!! We go tomorrow to see a new doctor to hopefully get Garrett back on the right track with his meds. I am hoping that this doctor is better than this last one we had, she wasn't even a doc she is a ARNP and she was quick to change meds and tried to tell us he was bipolar and he has NO sign's of that at all! I am so thankful a new doc has moved to this area that is a specialist in this field! I will let you know how that goes!
School starts on the 18th of Aug. and I have to enroll Garrett on the 4th, the day before his 9th birthday! WOW 9 already, where did that time go?!!!! Well Darin turned 4 this last May and will be starting in preschool this year. I know he's going to love it, he's real big about going to school with bubba, lol. But little does he know that the preschool is in a whole different building! But I'm sure he'll love it, some of his friends will be there. As for me it will be interesting to have the house to myself during the day! Maybe I can figure out how to bring in some money from home! (*****If any one knows of any jobs that are legit to do from home or the Internet from home please let me know!!!*******)
Some of you may not know that we bought the house we are living in and have tackled doing the basement remodel ourselves. LOL, that's been a real chore! We finally got all the Sheetrock put up now all we have to do is start taping and muding. FUN FUN, NOT!! But it will be worth it in the end. We added another room so instead of a 3 bedroom we are now a 4 bedroom with the possibility of a 5th bedroom. We also remodeled our upstairs bathroom, which we actually did when we first moved it. I will get pic's on here when we get all done!
So that's pretty much it, let me know how I did! Miss you all
Today has been uneventful, like normal days for me. Since some of you may not know, it's been hard for me to find a job in this small town. One is because of Rodney's work schedule he works really odd hours and it's impossible to find a sitter that will work with us & his hours. The other is Garrett. Since we've lived here we have had his med's change up and down and most can't deal with Garrett and have a full load of other kids to care for at the same time. So there for the one job I did have was a loss because of Rodney's work schedule and the sitter having problems with Garrett and me needing to pick them up earlier than normal or her kids were sick a lot. Supposedly!! We go tomorrow to see a new doctor to hopefully get Garrett back on the right track with his meds. I am hoping that this doctor is better than this last one we had, she wasn't even a doc she is a ARNP and she was quick to change meds and tried to tell us he was bipolar and he has NO sign's of that at all! I am so thankful a new doc has moved to this area that is a specialist in this field! I will let you know how that goes!
School starts on the 18th of Aug. and I have to enroll Garrett on the 4th, the day before his 9th birthday! WOW 9 already, where did that time go?!!!! Well Darin turned 4 this last May and will be starting in preschool this year. I know he's going to love it, he's real big about going to school with bubba, lol. But little does he know that the preschool is in a whole different building! But I'm sure he'll love it, some of his friends will be there. As for me it will be interesting to have the house to myself during the day! Maybe I can figure out how to bring in some money from home! (*****If any one knows of any jobs that are legit to do from home or the Internet from home please let me know!!!*******)
Some of you may not know that we bought the house we are living in and have tackled doing the basement remodel ourselves. LOL, that's been a real chore! We finally got all the Sheetrock put up now all we have to do is start taping and muding. FUN FUN, NOT!! But it will be worth it in the end. We added another room so instead of a 3 bedroom we are now a 4 bedroom with the possibility of a 5th bedroom. We also remodeled our upstairs bathroom, which we actually did when we first moved it. I will get pic's on here when we get all done!
So that's pretty much it, let me know how I did! Miss you all
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